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DIY Tools
Explore our DIY tools and do the math.
It's only when you put pen to paper and crunch the numbers, you learn where your money Goes and Grows - two areas you need to master to lead a rich life!
Investing is far simpler than the experts make it sound like. Ones who complicate are probably not making money and ones who keep it simple are the ones who are getting rich, slowly!
Crunch the numbers if you are better off investing in a property or buying a diversified stock fund in the long run. Don't fall for opinions or your biases - do your math!
Folks who think "it's better to pay your own mortgage than paying your owner's" need to do the math. Try this tool to give your left brain a chance to put up a fight with your emotions.
Paying all-cash for something as expensive as a car isn't always the best strategy. Learn to use debt to your advantage. Do your math here..
There are no get-rich-schemes and no magic formula. The only thing that works is - earn more<spend less<invest the difference for the long-term. Track your income, expenses, and net worth here.
We often get too busy with enriching our careers that we forget to enrich ourselves. Not working to pay the bills is liberating. Find out when can you stop working for money and start working for yourself.